Ya estamos en Semana Santa y muchos de mis alumnos me han estado preguntando cómo se dice domingo de ramos, semana santa, etc, etc, etc... Así que me pareció muy buena idea crear este post para aquellas personas que quieran ampliar su vocabulario con palabras y frases referente a esta fecha. Espero les ayude mucho.
Vamos a empezar!!!
1. Semana Santa = Holy Week.
2. Pascua = Easter.
3. Ash Wednesday = Miércoles de ceniza
On Ash Wednesday, Catholics go to church to repent from their sins and get an ash cross marked on their forehead.
4. Palm Sunday = Domingo de Ramos
This is also called Passion Sunday. This is the Sunday when the Holy Week begins. Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
Palm Sunday |
5. Maundy Thursday: Jueves Santo
This is also called Thursday of Holy Week. The day when the Last Supper is commemorated.
6. Good friday: Viernes Santo
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his subsequent death. The cross is the symbol of this day.
7. Holy Saturday: Sábado Santo
Also called Black Saturday. It is the day between the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection.
8. Easter Sunday: Domingo SantoOn this day the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated. It's followed by the Easter week.
Les dejo 10 oraciones que pueden utilizar en estos días.
1. Jesucristo tiene doce apostoles.
Jesus Christ has twelve apostles.
2. El sacerdote da la bendición.
The priest gives the blessing.
3. El pascua es la resurrección de Jesucristo.
Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
4. Rezamos juntos cada noche.
We pray together every night.
We pray together every night.
5. Todos vamos a la iglesia en el pascua.
We all go to church on Easter.
We all go to church on Easter.
6. La semana santa viene antes del pascua.
Holy Week comes before Easter.
Holy Week comes before Easter.
7. Voy a prender una vela.
I am going to light a candle.
I am going to light a candle.
8. ¡El pascua es este domingo!
Easter is this Sunday!
Easter is this Sunday!
9. La misa empieza a las diez de la mañana.
Mass starts at ten o’clock.
Mass starts at ten o’clock.
10. A: ¿A dónde vamos el domingo?
Where are we going on Sunday?
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