sábado, 20 de junio de 2020


Hola!!! Me están preguntando como pueden practicar listening en inglés.

Uno de los modos para practicar y entender mejor cuando escuchas mensajes en inglés es mediante canciones o diálogos.  

Si de canciones se trata, sólo debes colocar el nombre de la canción en youtube seguido de la palabra "lyrics" y tendrás la letra de la canción para que practiques el listening y reading al mismo tiempo.

Otra opción es acceder a textos en inglés donde puedas leer y escuchar al mismo tiempo. Aquí les comparto algunas páginas web que les pueden servir para escuchar diálogos y textos en inglés. Disfrútenlo y  practiquen todo lo que puedan. Recuerden, "la practica, hace al maestro".












viernes, 19 de abril de 2019


Ya estamos en Semana Santa y muchos de mis alumnos me han estado preguntando cómo se dice domingo de ramos, semana santa, etc, etc, etc... Así que me pareció muy buena idea crear este post para aquellas personas que quieran ampliar su vocabulario con palabras y frases referente a esta fecha. Espero les ayude mucho.

Vamos a empezar!!!

1. Semana Santa = Holy Week.
2. Pascua = Easter.

3. Ash Wednesday = Miércoles de ceniza

On Ash Wednesday, Catholics go to church to repent from their sins and get an ash cross marked on their forehead.

4. Palm Sunday = Domingo de Ramos
This is also called Passion Sunday. This is the Sunday when the Holy Week begins. Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. 
Palm Sunday
5. Maundy Thursday: Jueves Santo
This is also called Thursday of Holy Week. The day when the Last Supper is commemorated.

6. Good friday: Viernes Santo
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his subsequent death. The cross is the symbol of this day.

7. Holy Saturday: Sábado Santo
Also called Black Saturday. It is the day between the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection.
8. Easter Sunday: Domingo Santo
On this day the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated. It's followed by the Easter week.


Les dejo 10 oraciones que pueden utilizar en estos días.

1. Jesucristo tiene doce apostoles.
Jesus Christ has twelve apostles.
2. El sacerdote da la bendición.
The priest gives the blessing.

3. El pascua es la resurrección de Jesucristo.
Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

4. Rezamos juntos cada noche.
We pray together every night.

5. Todos vamos a la iglesia en el pascua.
We all go to church on Easter.

6. La semana santa viene antes del pascua.
Holy Week comes before Easter.

7. Voy a prender una vela.
I am going to light a candle.

8. ¡El pascua es este domingo!
Easter is this Sunday!

9. La misa empieza a las diez de la mañana.
Mass starts at ten o’clock.

10.  A: ¿A dónde vamos el domingo?
            Where are we going on Sunday?
       B: Vamos a la misa. = We are going to the                                                 mass.
Espero pasen una bonita Semana Santa. 

Los espero por mis redes sociales para estar más conectados siempre. Click en:

  FACEBOOK            INSTAGRAM           YOUTUBE           TWITTER

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019




1.    What is this? = Can you tell me what this is?
2.    When is the party? =  Can you tell me when the party is? 
3.    Who is she? = Can you tell me who she is?
4.    Where is the bus station? = Can you tell me where the bus station is? 
5.    Where is the nearest supermarket?= Can you tell me where the nearest supermarket is? 
6.    How was the film? =  Do you know how the film was?
7.    What was the problem? = Do you know what the problem was?
8.     Where was the class? = Do you know where the class was? 


1.    Where does she play tennis? = Can you tell me where she plays tennis?
2.    When do John and Luke meet? =  Can you tell me when John and Luke meet?
3.    What does he do at the weekend? = Can you tell me what he does at the weekend?
4.    Why do you like travelling so much? = Can you tell me why you like travelling so much?
5.    Where do you study Chinese? = Can you tell me where you study Chinese? 
6.     Who did we see at the party? = Do you know who we saw at the party?
7.    Where did she meet her brother? Do you know where she met her brother? 
8.    Why did they arrive so late? = Do you know why they arrived so late?


1.    Does he live in Paris? = Can you tell me if he lives in Paris?
2.    Is she hungry? Can you tell me if she is hungry?
3.    Do they work in Canada? =  Can you tell me if they work in Canada?
4.     Is he a lawyer?  = Can you tell me if he is a lawyer? 
5.    Do they often go out? = Can you tell me if they often go out? 
6.    Are the children on holiday this week? = Can you tell me if the children are on holiday this week? 
7.    Does Lizzie like ice cream? = Can you tell me if Lizzie likes ice cream? 
8.    Are they from Brazil? = Can you tell me if they are from Brazil?
9.    Do you drink coffee? = Can you tell me if you drink coffee? 
10.  Is Richard always late? = Can you tell me if Richard is always late? 
11.  Did she go out last night? Do you know if she went out last night? 
12.  Was David the first to arrive? = Do you know if David was the first to arrive?
13.  Did Lucy work at home yesterday? =  Do you know if Lucy worked at home yesterday? 
14.  Did Peter call his dad yesterday? = Do you know if Peter called his dada yesterday? 
15.  Were they at the beach? = Do you know if they were at the beach?
16.  Were they in the garden? = Do you know if they were in the garden?
17.  Did they arrive late? = Do you know if they arrived late? 
18.  Can she swim? =  Could you tell me if she can swim?
19.  Can he work on Monday? = Could you tell me if he can work on Monday?
20.  Can he come to the restaurant? = Could you tell me if he can come to the restaurant?
21.   Can they arrive before 6? = Could you tell me if they can arrive before 6?



Write “because” or “because of”

1.     She quit her job ................................. she was unhappy.


2.      It was ............................... his stupidity that we got into trouble.

3.      We rushed indoors .................................. it started raining.

4.     She was late ..................................... she missed the train.

5.     I was tired ..................................... I hadn't eaten anything.

6.     He can't walk .................................... his disability.

7.     He lost his job ................................... the financial crisis.

8.     He found it difficult to work in China .................................. he could not understand Chinese.

9.     She quit her job ................................. she wanted to be with her children.

10.  The boy was reprimanded .................................... he had not done his homework.


11.  She was worried ……………………………………. she had not heard anything from her son.


12.   I could not enjoy the movie ………………………………. I had a headache.



but / yet: followed by a noun phrase or a sentence. 
‘The book is short but / yet interesting’

in spite of / despite: It is placed at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence.
‘He arrived on time despite / in spite of getting up late’

although / though/ even though / in spite of the fact that: followed by a complete sentence. They can be placed at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. If it is placed at the beginning we need to use a comma after the clause.  
  ‘Although / though / even though / in spite of the fact that the pupils had not studied, they all passed their exams’. 
however, nevertheless, even so, on the one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary
‘He was quite ill however/ nevertheless/ even so, he went to school’
. while, whereas   
‘This film is very interesting, while/whereas that one is quite boring’  

Reason and cause

because, as since, seeing that:  
‘Because / as / since / seeing that it’s late, we should go home’ 

because of, on account of, owing to, due to: 
    ‘Because of / on account of / owing to / due to the weather, we stayed at home’

. in order to, so as to, to: 
‘She uses her video in order to / so as to / to record TV programmes’ 

Add information

for example, for instante, such as: 
‘Vegetables are a good source of vitamins: for example / for instance, oranges have vitamin C’ 

more over, furthermore, besides, in addition to: 
‘In addition to soul music, she likes rap’ 

. apart from, except for: 
‘Apart from English, she speaks French’.


. - First of all / Firstly / To begin with / First …. 
 - Second / Secondly / Then … 
 - Third / Thirdly / After that...
 - The next stage … 
 - Finally / in short / to sum up / in conclusion / lastly / last but not least…  

As a result of
‘As a result of his brave action, he was awarded a military medal. 

Therefore, as a result, consequently, for this reason: 
‘Consequently / for this reason, it always passes its annual road test’. 


First parragraph

At first sight: A primera vista
First: En primer lugar
First of all: Antes que nada
In the first place: En primer lugar
To start with: Para empezar

Second parragraph

In the second place: En segundo lugar
Second: Segundo
Secondly: En segundo lugar
Third: Tercero
Thirdly: En tercer lugar


Finally: Por último
In conclusion: Para concluir
Lastly: Por último
And eventually: Y finalmente

Adding information

apart from: Aparte de
in addition: Además
in addition to: Además de
What’s more: Además; lo que es más
moreover: Además
on top of that: Además
besides: Además
On the one hand: Por una parte
On the other hand: Por otra parte
and eventually: Y finalmente


all the same: a pesar de todo
however: sin embargo
instead of: en vez de
in spite of / despite: a pesar de
nevertheless: no obstante
on the contrary: por el contrario
whereas / while: mientras
though / although: aunque


because of + noun: a causa de
due to + noun: debido a
due to the fact that + sentence: debido a que
for this / that reason:  por esta / esa razón
owing to + noun: debido a
owing to the fact that + sentence: debido a que


as a result: como resultado
because of: a causa de
consequently: en consecuencia
so: por lo tanto
that's why: por eso, por esa razón...
therefore: por lo tanto

Expressing facts
actually: en realidad
as a matter of fact: de hecho
in fact: de hecho
really: en realidad

Expressing a personal opinion
as far as I am concerned por lo que a mí respecta
from my point of view desde mi punto de vista
I agree estoy de acuerdo
I disagree no estoy de acuerdo
in my opinion en mi opinión
in my view según lo veo
I think that creo que
it is true that es verdad que
personally personalmente
to be honest, para ser honesto
to tell the truth, a decir verdad


that is (to say): es decir
in other words: en otras palabras
in short: en resumen
above all: sobre todo
all in all: en general
at least: al menos
basically: básicamente, fundamentalmente
especially: especialmente, sobre todo
essentially: esencialmente
in general: en general
in particular: en particular
more or less: más o menos
on the whole: en general
to a certain extent: hasta cierto punto

and so on: etcétera
for example: por ejemplo
for instance: por ejemplo
such: as tal(es)como

all in all: en suma
in brief: en resumen
in conclusion: Para concluir
in short: en resumen
on the whole: en general
to sum up: Para resumir

after that: después de eso
all of a sudden: de repente
Finally: Finalmente
First of all: En primer lugar
in the end: al final
in the meantime: mientras tanto
meanwhile: mientras tanto
next: luego
suddenly: de repente
then: entonces, después
while: mientras



.     In spite of / Despite Link two contrasting ideas. Followed by a noun phrase. 
.     Although / (Even) though Link two contrasting ideas. Followed by a sentence. 
.     However / Nevertheless / Still / Yet / Even so / On the contrary / In contrast. Introduce a new idea which marks a contrast with previously stated ideas. Introduced by a comma. 
.     On the one hand ... On the other hand. Links two contrasting ideas / paragraphs. 
.     In contrast to / Contrary to. Link two contrasting ideas. Followed by a noun phrase. 
.     Whereas Link two contrasting ideas. Not separated by commas. 

Reason and cause

.     Because / As / Since / Seeing that Introduce a sentence. Subordinate sentences introduced by because always appear in final position. 
.     Because of / On account of / Owing to / Due to. Introduce a noun phrase. 

.     In order to So as to Introduce an infinitive of purpose.
.     In order that / So that Introduce a sentence. 


    . Consequently / As a consequence / As a result / Therefore   
    . As a consequence of / As a result of Followed by a noun phrase. 
.     So Introduces a sentence. No commas.   


    . Moreover / Furthermore / In addition / Besides What's more Used after a strong pause and separated from the sentences. They are introduced by a comma. 
    . As well as / In addition to / Besides Used to add  one more piece of information. Followed by a noun phrase. 


      For example / For instance Introduces an example referring to previously stated ideas. 
.     Such as Introduces an example referring to the last idea.

martes, 12 de febrero de 2019


Los llamados frequency adverbs son aquellos adverbios que sirven para expresar con que frecuencia realizas una acción.

Existen dos reglas para la posición de estas paalabras:

1. Before a general verb.

Recordemos que los verbos generales son todos aquellos que existen menos el verbo To be. Algunos ejemplos son: study, cook, eat, play, etc.

Sujeto + frequency adverb + verbo general + (complemento)

I always have breakfast.
He sometimes goes to the gym.

2. After the verb to be.

El verbo to be es el verbo más importante de la lista de verbos en Inglés, es por ello que cualquier adverbio de frecuencia tendrá que ir después del verbo to be.

Sujeto +TO BE + frequency adverb + (complemento)

I am always happy.
He is never late.


We sometimes go to the theater.
(nosotros) A veces vamos al teatro.

                                   always go cycling on Sundays.
(yo) Siempre voy en bici los domingos.

My puppy hardly ever pees inside the house.
Mi cachorro casi nunca hace pipí dentro de casa.

Max never wants to work.
Max nunca quiere trabajar.

He doesn't usually go shopping.
Normalmente no va de compras.

Sally is always serious.
Sally siempre está seria.

Carl and Peter are usually angry.
Carl y Peter normalmente están enfadados.

                                                                       Fuente: www.lewolang.com

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