viernes, 6 de julio de 2018


¿Cuál es la diferencia entre "turtle" y "tortoise"?

Ambos son reptiles con caparazon pero la diferencia más importante es que "Turtle" se refiere a la tortuga que vive en el mar. Mientras que "tortoise" se refiere a la tortuga que habita en la tierra. 

Aquí les dejo una lectura en inglés referente a este tema para que mejoren su comprensión lectora. Espero les sea útil.

Reading:  "TURTLE vs TORTOISE"

They both are reptiles with shells, but the major difference between the two is that Turtles spend most of their lives in water, they are adapted for aquatic life so they can swim very well, while tortoises live on land and both turtles and tortoises lay eggs on the ground. 

Most tortoises are herbivores while turtles can be both herbivores and carnivores.
Tortoises can live as long as humans, around 60 years and most tortoises can live for more than 100 years. Tortoises are found mostly in Asia and Africa, while turtles are found in Africa and America.

The shells that cover the body of these reptiles are very important. As turtles generally prefer to live in water, the shell of a turtle is flat and streamlined to aid in swimming and diving, while the shell of a tortoise, which lives on land, is rather large and dome-shaped to provide protection from predators. Also, the shell of a tortoise is heavier than the shell of a turtle.

Write "T" for TRUE and "F" for FALSE.

1. Tortoise lives on land.   ______________.
2. Turles can live as long as humans. _______________.
3. Tortoise eats meat.   _____________.
4. tortoise's shell is heavier than turtle's hell. ______________.
5. turtles can swim. _______________.

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