jueves, 26 de julio de 2018


Hola, navegando por internet encontré un grupo de grabaciones ricas para practicar nuestro Inglés.

He seleccionado algunas para colgarlas en el blog y así puedan enriquecer su vocabulario y su nivel de Inglés. 

Espero les guste.

This is a basic introduction between two people. You will hear it three times: first at a regular speed, then at a slower speed, then at the regular speed again.

Robert: Hi, I'm Robert Chartrand.
Bill: Hi. I'm Bill Pellowe. Nice to meet you.
Robert: Nice to meet you, too. What do you do?
Bill: I'm a university teacher. How about you?
Robert: Me too! What university do you teach at?
Bill: I teach at Kinki University. And you?
Robert: Oh, I teach at Kurume University.


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